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Exploring The World Of Bamboo Flute

Bamboo Flute

The Bamboo Flute

The bamboo flute is one of the different kinds of flutes we have. The flute is basically a woodwind instrument and one of the oldest instruments known to mankind.

This woodwind instrument without reed has been in existence since prehistoric times.

One of the ancient flutes made with a cave bear thigh bone was discovered in Slovenia in 1995. The fragment of a cave bear’s thigh bone has two holes and some scientists believe it was part of a flute used more than 43,000 years ago by Neanderthals.

The bamboo flute is one of the oldest forms of flute and it has a very old history in places like Korea, China, India and Africa.

For instance, the Chinese Chi is one of the oldest documented flutes and it was made from bamboo. While Chi is a transverse type of flute, some other bamboo flutes are played vertically just like the western recorder.

In fact, some bamboo flutes are nose blowing.

A Brief History of the Flute

Bamboo Flute Bansuri

A great deal of the origins of the flute remains a mystery. Nevertheless, the flute is the oldest wind instrument in the world and is one of the first musical instruments ever invented.

The flute has been in existence and used for thousands of years. Its artifacts are made up of bone that can be traced back to the period of the ancient Stone Age.

The People of the Ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, and Greeks are known to use flutes most in the past.

These ancient people used pipe instruments that look like the recorder during that period. This is somehow different to the common transverse flute we know today.

Flutes appear in different histories and evolved from the neanderthal fragment of bone to simple wooden and bamboo flutes used in the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods.

Eventually, the flute was revolutionized in the nineteenth century by a goldsmith and a musician called

Theobald Boehm.  Boehm’s flute was a great invention and he is known as the father of the modern-day flute.

Typically, the most modern flute has a metal body except for the piccolo because its body is made of wood. Notwithstanding, bamboo flutes are still in use in different cultures around the globe.

This is just a brief history of the flute. The history of the flute post discusses the origin and evolution of the flutes more.  

Types of Bamboo flutes

8 hole Bamboo Flute

There are many types of bamboo flutes around the globe. They can be found in different places and cultures and in use for different purposes.

Bamboo flutes is a very popular and greatly respected musical In the Indian subcontinent instrument. This special flute is common in most parts of Asia and Africa and can be seen by anybody.

Notwithstanding, bamboo flutes are the choice of many highly venerated maestros of classical music and folk music.

To mention a few, we have Taegŭm, dizi, Xiao, Shinobue, Shakuhachi, Bansuri, Palendag, Jinghu and many more.


Bamboo Flute Shinobue

The Shinobue, also called takebue, is another type of bamboo flute we know. Basically, Shinobue is a Japanese transverse flute with a high-pitched sound.

The side-blown bamboo flute is used at Japanese traditional festivals, Japanese Lion dance, Shrine Music, Folk music and so on. Shinobue is the most popular Japanese Traditional musical instrument.

Different kinds of Shinobue are in existence as well. They are different sizes, number of finger holes, tuning, scales, and designs. Each kind of Shinobue has different usage in particular territories and situations.


Bamboo Flute Bansuri

Bansuri from Southern Asia is a traditional side-blown flute made from a single hollow shaft of bamboo. Specifically, bansuri as a bamboo flute has its origin in the Indian subcontinent.

Traditionally, a single hollow shaft of bamboo is used to make a bansuri. And the length of this flute is around 30cm to 75cm long. This instrument has six or seven finger-tone holes.

The bansuri can produce up to two and a half octaves of musical tone. Like several other bamboo flutes, bansuri features no mechanical parts or keys.

Taegŭm flute

Bamboo_Flute_ Taegŭm Hyelim Kim in Taegŭm Recital
Bamboo_Flute_ Taegŭm Hyelim Kim in Taegŭm Recital

The Taegŭm flute from East Asia is another type of bamboo flute and it six finger holes,


Bamboo Flute Dizi

This is another type of bamboo flute. Specifically, dizi is a transverse flute of Chinese origin. It is also referred to as “di” or “héngdi”. This Chinese traditional bamboo flute has varieties

Dizi is considered a major Chinese musical instrument. It is broadly used in modern Chinese orchestra, opera and folk music.

Different types of bamboo are used to make dizi depending on the location.

Dizi sounds a lot different than a lot of other bamboo flutes you can find around the world. This is possible through the hole below its blow-hole or mouth hole called “mo kong”.

A membrane-like substance called “dimo” is placed on the “mo kong” which enables dizi to produce a buzzy sound.

How To Make A Bamboo Flute

How To Make A Bamboo Flute

Specifically, this article outlines some of the fastidious work done and craftsmanship required to make a bamboo flute. Unlike modern concert flutes, bamboo flutes are simple and easy to make.

Indeed, bamboo flutes are very easy to make but the tone needs to be accurate. If not all the effort in making it is a waste.

One of the prominent processes of making a professional bamboo flute would be discussed in different stages.  This starts from bamboo selection to tuning and cleaning the flute.

Bamboo Selection For The Bamboo Flute

The making of the bamboo flute varies according to the geographical location and the flute maker. But The essential part of this process is getting the right bamboo for the flute.

Actually, flute making starts from growing bamboo but normally you find the best places bamboo grows. You cut bamboo that has matured up to 4 to 5 years and is in good condition for bamboo flute making.

We need bamboo with a mostly rounded body and moderate diameter. Also, bamboo without any suspicious holes or splintering and injured patches are the best for flute making.

Having gotten the right bamboo as described above, we will cut it and dry its full length.

Upon cutting the bamboo, it is left to be seasoned for 2 to 3 years. After seasoning, the right types of bamboo have to be chosen for flute production.

Chosen the Right Type of a Bamboo

This aspect of bamboo flute making is a difficult task. And once you get it right, you are about to make a long-lasting and well-functional bamboo flute.

To choose the right type of bamboo there are some factors you need to put into consideration. These factors are the exact bamboo variety (meaning the species), the density of the bamboo, and the exact diameter and thickness of the bamboo.

Basically, the quality of the bamboo flute depends on all these factors. After looking into all this, the correct bamboo is chosen.

Heat Seasoning

After the right types of bamboo have been selected, the step that follows is called “heat seasoning”. In heat seasoning, the bamboo is mounted on a rod and is heated.

Typically, a gas torch (flame from the gas) is used for heat seasoning. However, how long and to what extent the bamboo is heated also depends on the requirement.

Making of Bamboo Flute Blow Hole and Tone Holes

After everything is set from choosing the right bamboo to heat seasoning the bamboo, the blow hole is drilled into the bamboo.

Note that there are different types of bamboo flutes and depending on which type of flute is needed, measure and mark the hole position. Thereafter, create the blow hole and then the tone holes.

For example, the common types of bamboo flutes in India are Hindustani or Bansuri and Carnatic. The hole’s position and dimensions of both Hindustani and Carnatic are not the same.

Professional bamboo flute makers know how to measure the holes to make their flutes. Notwithstanding, the right measurement makes the homemade bamboo flute sound better as well.

To get the measurement for your homemade bamboo flute right, you can use a flutomat calculator for that.  Flutomat is a very intelligent online calculator for flute-making purposes. It will help you to calculate the measurement required for all the holes.

The blow hole is the first hole to be drilled in making the bamboo flute. Note that the blow hole is also called an ” embouchure”. It is the hole that is used to play the flute.

After the blow hole has been successfully made, the rest of the holes known as tone holes are marked and made.

Fine Tuning

The next step after the hole drilling is fine-tuning. Basically, the flutes are made depending on how the artist wants to play the flute.

To achieve correct tuning, use the pitch meter to tune the flute to get the exact pitch.

In case you are making the cork flute with one side of the flute closed using cork.

In the case of a “Cork Flute”, one side of the flute is closed using cork.

There is a need for another round of tuning. This second round of tuning called “second Octave” tuning is done based on the cork’s position. After successful tuning of the instrument and the balance octave has been achieved, seal the cork.

The cork is sealed to prevent it from moving out of place which can make the instrument to be out of tune. Note that If the cork gets dislodged the instrument tuning is lost, so it should be sealed correctly.

In making professional bamboo flutes, some flutes are thrown away because the flute maker did not get the exact tuning right. Normally, they cannot predict if the flute they are making will come out well for their artist.

Finishing Step

After the proper tuning has been achieved the next thing is to clean and beautify the flute. Therefore, all the holes are cleaned, and bamboo is also cleaned from the inside. Also, the outside is cleaned using sandpaper and then polishes

Normally, most flute makers don’t use any synthetic varnish for their bamboo flutes. They only apply to finish, and to the maximum extent that the bamboo allows naturally.

Thereafter, apply the threading, using nylon thread in attractive colours. The nylon thread is just for aesthetic purposes and nothing more. This brings us to the completion of making the bamboo flute. 

How to Play the bamboo flute

The bamboo flute is playing the same way other flutes are playing. Basically, by blowing through the mouthpiece hole against the wall of the flute.

Musicians create the musical notes they desire on bamboo through finger holes or tone holes. This is done by tapping the various finger holes to create different closing and opening arrangements.

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